About Us

The Cameron family consists of eleven children ranging from the ages of 19 - 1. Our mother, a stay-at-home mom home-schools us, from 1st to 12th grade; Dad is a self-employed contractor. We have much variety in our home; laughter is definitely a huge part of our lives. 

  • The older two, Mariah (19) and Jabin (18), graduated this year... Mariah is currently nannying and looking at colleges at which she would be pursuing nursing and Jabin is, for now, looking for a job. He is interested in the culinary arts and directing movies.
  • Though they each have different personalities and they often argue *ahem* debate, Simeon and Tilly are the closest siblings in the family and share the most of the same interests. They both are pursuing a career in acting, writing, and singing. Simeon (17) is currently authoring a trilogy and in eleventh grade. He is learning electric and acoustic guitar and piano. He is currently in a contemporary Christian rock band, CrucibleTilly (15) is in tenth grade. She plays piano, as well, and is learning how to play the acoustic guitar and bass. 
  • Katherine's interests as a thirteen year old are playing outside, friends, and reading American Girl books to Mom. She is maturing and growing and we can't wait to see what God has in store for her. 
  • We tend to group Nathanael (11), Timothy (10), and Kenan (8) together. They each have their own unique personality that makes them important to this family, but their interests revolve around most of the same things: Legos, Ironman and Transformers (super-heroes), guns, and playing outside with the neighbor boys. 
  • Jared (7) and Phoebe (5) are going to be best friends when they are older--it's already showing. :) They both really like Toy Story 3 and How to Train Your Dragon. They are often seen together and they rarely fight (it's the truth!). We wish many times that we had a camera on hand at all times to capture some of the precious moments that transpire between them. 
  • Phinehas (1 year) is the newest member of our family. He is growing rapidly and keeps everyone laughing with his antics. We can't wait to see what his personality type will be and what unique character he will bring to our family.